John Forgeron is a co-owner and the President of Compass Energy Systems. John joined Compass in 2005 and created multiple privately financed oilfield rental companies which became Compass Compression three years later. The entrepreneurial spirit and drive for innovation shared by John and his partners helped Compass win E&Y's Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2011. Together, they have established Compass as a leading provider of compression, process, and power systems with more than 800 employees. During his time as President of Compass, John has successfully steered the company through the highs and lows of the industry as well as spearheaded many strategic moves to ensure continued growth. Successes included evolving to Compass, an integrated energy systems provider with 11 locations across North America. Starting an affiliate company, Northbase Finance, to offer flexible capital solutions for clients. In late 2020, he and his partners boldly moved to acquire a remarkable compression legacy by purchasing Exterran's flagship manufacturing operation in Houston, Texas. Today, John and the entire Compass team are working to provide clients worldwide with unique energy systems equipment for an evolving global market while living up to the promise to find the right solutions and deliver an optimal experience. John is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta and holds a mechanical engineering degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland. His career in gas compression started in 1991 and is a recognized industry expert. Before joining Compass, John held positions at Enerflex Systems and Toromont Industries.